Sunday, January 30, 2011


This weekend, Laura and Thomas drove down for a visit and to introduce us to the newest members of their family, Ella and Sam. We were so excited to meet this little brother and sister pair, and it went amazingly well! And, of course, they are SO cute!

This is not a great picture, but it accurately depicts the pups! This weekend went by in a blur of fur, with everyone getting along swimmingly. My 2, but especially Teddy (the big black one in the picture), were especially fond of the little guys. You really want to see them, though don't you?!

Meet Ella (in the new green sweater that I just finished this afternoon) and Sam, chi-weenies (a chihuahua/dachshund hybrid):
The sweater is actually for Sam, and I added sleeves after the photo shoot here. Ella's will be pink with green trim.

Even cuter than the sweater on the kitchen counter, is a video of Sam doing a bit of modeling!

Finally, can it get any better than this?


  1. We have three granddogs! They have to be counted, too. I guess that means we have 14 grands. Oops, I forgot the grand cat! 15??!!
    Thomas and Laura have some cute kiddies. They look more like Thomas than Laura, though. Please tell him I said so! LOL

  2. Adorable! Chi-weenies - love that name. lol

  3. I heard that, Julia!

    Our dogs are lounging around on the couch this evening after the most excitement they've seen in a couple weeks!

    I like to call them chihua-schunds. :)



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